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Si a usted le dieran a escojer su religion, �cual escojeria usted? Religions By Adherents

Are you stressed out? If you are, visit this link:Teen Health Center
Do you need Spiritual Counseling? Then take a look at this place:White Hawk Spirit coaching
Are you looking for a mate?match.com
Do you need a job?Thingamajob
Do you need to adopt someone?Adoptionopen.com
Are you looking for Philosophers?The Philosopher's page
Are you looking for careers? Just Careers.Info
Do you need confession? The Confession Booth
Do you want to talk to God? God's Webpage
Do you want to know if you are an alcoholic? alcoholic Test
Do you have a question about anything? Go to Advice to get your answer
Are you tense or nervous? Then visit the Mayo Clinic, Relaxation Technique
Do you want to know the time? The Time
Do you like jokes? Then go to Video Jokes Video Joke of the Day
Say, have you ever wonder about Salvation? Here are the different versions of Salvation:
Say, Do you feel the need to confess your sins? Then, go to the cofession booth right now!:
Are you tired and fedup with your religion? Then, check the Church of Reality
This page was updated on Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Esta Pagina esta cumpliendo 22 años de existencia: 1997-2019

IQ Test
Free-IQTest.net - IQ Test

¡Bienvenidos a todos los trotamundos que tengan la gentileza de arrimarse a esta humilde pagina!

Bartolome Esteban Murillo
Please, Learn about my Great...great grandfather
Bartolome, my Great...great grandfather
A picture of our dear great...great grandfather
Mundo Latino
Mundo Latino el site para personas de habla hispana y para aquellos cuya lengua no es el Español y desean aprenderlo.
Kiosko de Prensa
Este site presenta una lista de periodicos de Honduras.
Cadê es un sitio del Brasil que nos ofrece valiosa información de ese bello país SudAmericano.
Amazon Books
Amazon, the largest book store in the world
ICQ, Mirabilis
World's Largest Internet Online Communications Network
Link to page # 2
Some pictures of my family
Link to page # 4
Armando sitting at his IBM Aptiva
Link to page # 6
Foto y links
Connección a la pagina 8
ICQ connection
Mis abuelos Paternos y otros parientes Pagina 9
Mi abuelo Salvador Mendoza y mi abuela Ester Contreras

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Comentarios a Armando Murillo: amurillo@optonline.net